Who doesn’t love some extra discount while shopping? Valassis statistics show that over 90% of consumers have used a physical or digital coupon code in some way, and 30% of millennial consumers ALWAYS use coupons!
This being said, there is no doubt that using coupons for your eCommerce business or even offline business is not a question of whether to use it or not, it is rather a question of how to use the right way to boost your revenue.
In this short article, we will highlight some of the coupon techniques that you can use on your eCommerce website or app. We learned some of these techniques while helping in the development of iCouponU.com (Arabic: أي كوبون) a platform dedicated to providing shoppers with great savings opportunities by providing coupons and deals from famous international and local eCommerce platforms such as Amazon, Noon, AliExpress, Vogacloset, Max fashion, Styli, and many others. We believe that this platform might be one of the best coupons websites in the Arab world today. Smart shoppers will definitely enjoy the user experience while browsing the site and saving on their online shopping bills. On the other hand, online retailers and small eCommerce business owners will definitely love the extra traffic and conversions coming from affiliate marketers, everybody wins!
From a retailer/site owner perspective, your coupon strategy must be solid and built on a golden principle and that is to get a higher profit than the discount a coupon is giving to your customers. As simple as this might seem, it involves complicated calculations that go beyond profit & loss algorithms to include nontangible, yet important factors, such as customer loyalty, brand authority, competitor advantages, and more.
So, what are some of the coupon techniques you can use to win the coupon game for your eCommerce business?
1- Seasonal Discount Coupons
White friday, cyber monday, holidays of Ramadan, Eid and Adha are all good season to launch your coupons. Make sure to choose creative coupon names that reflects your brand and goes well with the overl theme of the season.
2- Free Shipping
We have all seen this Drake meme of including shipping fees in the price, and advertise free shipping. Don’t do that! It will most probably backfire. Your customers will eventually discover it and you will end up losing customers not the other way around.
Instead, provide free shipping whenever possible, or make it conditional such as, free shipping for orders above SR 300 for example, or free shipping within a certain area where you can afford the fee. Your customer will love it.
3- Free Trial for Digital Products
If you offer a subscription fee, such as Knawat, Hostinger, or OSN. Free trial is a must, it will definitely increase conversions.
4- Increase the discount with spending
A good coupon strategy you might want to implement is to add increase the discount with higher brackets of spending. Example publish a coupon code where the user gets $2 discounts for $19 spends, but the discount can go up to $17 when spending $119 or more. This way you are encourging the customer to spending more, save more, but at then end of the day you are making a bigger profit.
5- Follow Trends Until you Become the Trend
If you are not a giant retailer like Amazon, you are more likely to follow the trends. Everyday there is something new that a consumer will love, and soon enough it will become a trend. This applies to shopping as a whole, and it also applies to marketing through coupons and discount deals. Keep up the hard work, and your small eCommerce business might one day become the trend!
Finally, always remember that Go Smart Solutions will always be here to support your eCommerce website building and marketing! Give us a call or contact us here.
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