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Using Coupons in Marketing your eCommerce Website or App - Who doesn't love some extra discount while shopping? Valassis statistics show that over 90% of consumers have used a physical or digital coupon code in some way, and 30% of millennial consumers ALWAYS use coupons! This being said, there is no doubt that using coupons for your eCommerce business or even offline business is not… Read more
How social media marketing has evolved - Before social media boomed, marketers thought that social media marketing was just another fad likely to pass soon. But when Facebook began to attract attention since 2004, more social media marketing strategies were developed. Today, this marketing tool has allowed companies to attract attention without having to spend millions of dollars on advertising. Historical overview… Read more
Indoor Positioning & Navigation - Places of Usage As discussed in the previous articles, Indoor positioning and navigation systems provide accurate positioning and navigation inside covered structures. Indoor positioning systems are used to locate people and assets while navigation systems help visitors, employees or travelers navigate inside buildings. With the introduction of smartphones and beacon technology, the applications of indoor… Read more
Indoor Navigation Systems Explained - The need for navigation is steadily increasing, not only outdoors but also indoors. As I previously explained, GPS guarantees high levels of positioning accuracy.However as GPS only functions outdoors, Indoor Positioning Systems (IPS) were developed. With the IPS locating an object or a person, indoor navigation became possible. Indoor navigation needs indoor maps as well… Read more